Published Jun 27, 2019
Rivals100 Five-Star Challenge: Prospects weigh in on the XFL
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Josh Helmholdt  •
National Recruiting Analyst

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ATLANTA – The XFL will kick off its inaugural season in 2020 and commissioner Oliver Luck has acknowledged the possibility that the league could take players earlier than the NFL’s current policy of three years post-high school graduation, and may consider taking players directly out of high school.

The classes of 2020 and 2021 would, then be among the first to take advantage of the XFL opportunity, where average salaries are expected to be around $75,000 for a season and top salaries could be as much as $300,000. At this week’s Rivals100 Five-Star Challenge presented by adidas, we asked several of the top players in the 2020 and 2021 classes whether the XFL option is one they would ever entertain and how it might affect college football and the recruiting process.

“Obviously, I have the chance to go to Ohio State ahead of me, and that would be hard to turn down even if I am getting paid to play. I definitely would have to see some guys do it before me. I wouldn’t be the first one to go out on a limb and do it.”

“I don’t think I’d want to. I want to play in the NFL, not the XFL. That’s my main goal. And, I need to go to college and get my degree.”

“I feel like the XFL is good for the game of football. It’s another opportunity for the guys who don’t make it to the (NFL). Right now, I want to go to the NFL.”

“I think (the XFL) is actually a good opportunity for some guys. Some guys come from tougher situations, so that extra money could be helpful to a lot of guys. So, I do think that is a good idea and something to look into. Me, personally, I think it could be something to possibly develop me more than college to get to the NFL, but I actually love college football so I think ultimately I would still choose college football.”

“I don’t know about one-and-done. I don’t feel everybody is developed enough to be on that stage yet, but I think after two years you should definitely be able to move on up.”

“I think going all the way through college and getting the college experience would most definitely be right for me. A lot of people most definitely will look at (the XFL). It definitely would change the recruiting game.”

“It will change recruiting-wise because with football, you have to stay in college for at least three years. In basketball you can be out in one year. It would be a real big change and it would be different development-wise if you had kids coming straight out of high school. There are some big players coming out of high school that I think that the one-year college experience would be enough. Me, personally, I probably wouldn’t do it because I am trying to go to college to get my degree.”

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