Published Feb 2, 2023 Football Transfer Portal Team Recruiting Rankings Formula

Here are the FAQs for how Rivals calculates its transfer portal team rankings.

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What does the numerical Rivals Transfer Rating mean?


6.1 = Five-star prospect: considered one of the elite prospects in the country, generally among the nation's top 30-35 players overall, a potential first-team All American candidate and a player deemed to have first-round NFL potential.

6.0-5.8 = Four-star prospect: considered one of the next-tier elite prospects in the country, a national All American candidate and a player deemed to have first- to third-round NFL potential

5.7-5.5 = Three-star prospect: considered a potential All-Conference candidate and a player deemed to have mid- to low-end pro potential and ability to impact at the college level.

5.2-5.4 = Two-star prospect: considered a mid-major prospect with limited pro potential and expected to contribute 1-2 years at a high level maximum or often as a role player.

What is the "transfer portal team rankings" formula

Rivals Transfer Rating points for a team's commits + Top 100 Bonus Points = Total Points

How are the Rivals Transfer Rating "points" calculated?

Rivals Transfer Rating = Points

6.1 = 150 points

6.0 = 135 points

5.9 = 120 points

5.8 = 105 points

5.7 = 90 points

5.6 = 75 points

5.5 = 60 points

5.4 = 45 points

5.3 = 30 points

5.2 = 15 points

*Prospects without an assigned rating will count for no points.

How are the Top 100 Bonus Points calculated?

Top 100 Bonus Points

No. 1 = 100 points

No. 6 = 85 points

No. 11 = 76 points

No. 16 = 67 points

No. 21 = 58 points

No. 2 = 93 points

No. 7 = 84 points

No. 12 = 75 points

No. 17 = 66 points

No. 22 = 57 points

No. 3 = 92 points

No. 8 = 83 points

No. 13 = 74 points

No. 18 = 65 points

No. 23 = 56 points

No. 4 = 91 points

No. 9 = 82 points

No. 14 = 73 points

No. 19 = 64 points

No. 24 = 55 points

No. 5 = 90 points

No. 10 = 81 points

No. 15 = 72 points

No. 20 = 63 points

No. 25 = 54 points

Nos. 26-28 = 49 points

Nos. 41-43 = 39 points

Nos. 56-58 = 26 points

Nos. 71-73 = 16 points

Nos. 86-88 = 6 points

Nos. 29-31 = 47 points

Nos. 44-46 = 37 points

Nos. 59-61 = 24 points

Nos. 74-76 = 14 points

Nos. 89-91 = 5 points

Nos. 32-34 = 45 points

Nos. 47-49 = 35 points

Nos. 62-64 = 22 points

Nos. 77-79 = 9 points

Nos. 92-94 = 4 points

Nos. 35-37 = 43 points

Nos. 50-52 = 30 points

Nos. 65-67 = 20 points

Nos. 80-82 = 8 points

Nos. 95-97 = 3 points

Nos. 38-40 = 41 points

Nos. 53-55 = 28 points

Nos. 68-70 = 18 points

Nos. 83-85 = 7 points

Nos. 98-100 = 2 points

2025Team Rankings
recruiting Team Rankings