Eubanks has three offers and counting
Offensive lineman Rafael Eubanks moved into the starting lineup for St. Paul (Minn.) Cretin-Derham at the beginning of his junior year and by the end of the season had established himself as the top offensive lineman in the state.
The 6-foot-3 and 290 pound offensive guard bench presses 300 pounds and squats 450. Eubanks, an all-conference and honorable mention all-state selection, has a 3.5 GPA.
"There's a big list of schools I'm looking at," Eubanks said. "Iowa, Minnesota, and Kansas State have offered me."
"Stanford, Northwestern, and Wisconsin are sending a lot of mail. There's a lot of schools I'm interested in. Michigan definitely. Michigan State is another one."
"I went to a junior day at the U (Minnesota). And I went to one at Iowa. I liked them both. I'm sure I'll visit some other schools, check out some practices."