football Edit

Davis ready to hit the road

Mart, Texas athlete/wide receiver Damien Davis may play things out like it's a normal summer, but he's getting busy with his visit schedule and will be making some trips over the next few months to sort out all the interested schools.
Scholarship offers have come from all over including Arizona, Baylor, Houston, Kansas State, Missouri, Oklahoma State, and Texas A&M. Davis will make a trip out-of-state next month and has his first official visit set up in the fall.
"Well, I've got a trip to go see Oklahoma State on July 12," Davis said. "They asked me to come up and look at the school. They're in my top six right now with Baylor, Texas, Arizona, Purdue, and Texas A&M. All those schools are pretty even right now."
Davis, who plans to decide during his senior season, is looking for a school where he can play both basketball and football. With his 6-foot-5, 180-pound frame, that shouldn't be an issue with any of the programs on his top list.
His first official visit is also set up to an out-of-state school.
"I'm going up to see Arizona when the play Oregon State," Davis said. "They wanted me to see a game, so I thought why not set up an official visit? I'm pretty excited about that."
Davis says that all the schools that have offered are recruiting him hard and he's enjoyed speaking with all of the coaches.
"No one has the lead yet," he said. "I'm kind of just laying low right now."