Markel's News
Missouri makes a move in Big 12

Missouri makes a move in Big 12

The Big 12 gained a third team in the national rankings during the early signing period when five-star forward Tony Mitchell signed with Missouri. Tex

 • Jerry Meyer
N.C. State moves up in expanded team rankings

N.C. State moves up in expanded team rankings

North Carolina State moves up in this week's updated 2010 team recruiting rankings following the commitment of four-star power forward Luke Cothron. W

 • Jerry Meyer
Williams not ready, continues looking

Williams not ready, continues looking

After a strong junior year and a deep AAU run this summer, T.J. Williams is looking for a college to continue his career. After taking his first offi

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 • Dusty Thibodeaux
Brown enjoys fruitful AAU summer

Brown enjoys fruitful AAU summer

The first of the three prospects to commit to Oklahoma State's 2010 basketball recruiting class was Alexandria, Louisiana native Markel Brown. We wer

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 • Reed Coldiron
Louisiana Select Showcase recap

Louisiana Select Showcase recap

This past weekend the Louisiana Select Nike Travel Team hosted a Fall Workout and Exposure Camp. Four-star prospect LaQuinton Ross and Oklahoma State

 • Jerry Meyer
Brown on the mark at Peach Jam

Brown on the mark at Peach Jam

There have been the usual top prospects on top of their game at the Nike Peach Jam, and there have also been some lesser known prospects like Jeremy L

 • Jerry Meyer
OSU hoops adds first for 2010

OSU hoops adds first for 2010

While the news had been surprisingly quiet following the Cowboy elite basketball camp held this past weekend, the biggest story to break is that the c

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 • Jay Fielder
Whispers: USC program crumbling

Whispers: USC program crumbling

The USC basketball program continues to fall apart. After losing a number of recruits to other schools and underclassmen to the professional ranks, th

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 • Jerry Meyer
Brown ready to ball

Brown ready to ball

The class of 2010 has a front runner in the state of Louisiana. His name is Markel Brown of Alexandria, La.'s Peabody Magnet High School.

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 • Dusty Thibodeaux