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WR Wilson updates recruitment

It's been months since Rivals last heard from three-star wide receiver Jamal Wilson. The Chesapeake (Va.) Oscar Smith prospect is in one of the better receiving corps in the country along with Kerry Boykins and Todd Harrelson.
"Not too much is going on with recruiting," he said. "I'm just getting calls from coaches and they are asking to come see their games. They want me to get out there.
"I haven't taken any visits yet. I'm going to do it. I think I'm supposed to visit Northern Illinois and Marshall sometime. We'll see how that works out. I've also been in touch with coach Brattan from Maryland. I'm looking forward to heading up there soon too for a visit."
The 5-foot-11, 176-pounder holds four offers at this time from Akron, Marshall, Northern Illinois and Maryland.
Who else is in touch with Wilson?
"I'm just getting letters from Connecticut, South Carolina and Illinois. They are all talking to me a lot."
The No. 84 wide receiver in the country claims a rather surprising favorite at this time.
"Marshall sticks out," he said. "It's because of their passing attack and I've been talking to the coaches. They seem like they need me. I also see a chance to go in there and make a big impact with playing time right away. I want to be able to play all four years."
Even with a favorite, Wilson is far from a decision and confirmed he plans to take all of his official visits.
The No. 27 prospect in the Commonwealth has helped Oscar Smith to a 5-0 start including a big victory last week over Western Branch.
"I'm just happy we won. It was a tough game and a tough crowd," he said. "It was two undefeated teams that were playing with heart and we came out on top.
"Right now I'm focusing on one opponent at a time trying to get to a state championship. Our team is doing great, we're right where we want to be at 5-0. I think this is the fastest team we've had all the years I've been here. We've got the fastest defense and a lot of people are making plays."
Wilson didn't know his statistics, but has been a key player for Oscar Smith this year particularly when Kerry Boykins was injured.
"It's going good, Phillip (Sims) spreads the ball around a lot and everyone gets their share," he said. "I'm pretty happy with my performance. I've seen an improvement in my speed, route running and tackling on defense."