football Edit

Viramontes to visit Big 10 teams

Victor Viramontes is still planning some visits in the coming weeks but first he has to work out the dates and figure out when he can hit the road.
The three-star from Norco, Calif., who could play quarterback or linebacker in college is planning to see Nebraska and Wisconsin this summer - two of his favorites - and those could be important trips as Viramontes figures out his recruitment.
"My parents are working the dates," Viramontes said. "Whenever I have time to go check out those colleges I really want to check them out.
"Those are two of my tops. Nevada and Washington State are also up there."
The 6-foot-1, 205-pound prospect has seen his recruitment take off this spring. He is a top-notch quarterback with a big arm and some schools prefer him at linebacker because of his speed and physical ability.
For Viramontes, position is not as important as the chance to get on the field and contribute. That's why visits this offseason will be crucial so he has a much better idea of which teams stand out most heading into his senior season.
"I'm going to basically spend five years of my life there so I want to make sure it's the right fit for me," Viramontes said.
Wyoming is the latest school to offer and Utah recently watched Viramontes throw.
Other than Wisconsin, Nebraska, Washington State and Nevada, the three-star also has offers from Colorado State, San Diego State, San Jose State and UNLV.