football Edit

Three-star CB is still not signed

Signing Day saw a few prospects still not land a spot. One of those was three-star cornerback Don Hursey out of Washington (D.C.) H.D. Woodson.
"Basically I'm looking for more recruiting and trying to wait it out," he said. "I want a school that knows exactly what they need."
Hursey held a handful of offers including one from North Carolina. Is anyone showing interest now?
"A few schools here and there," he said. "They told me to wait until stuff was official.
"I'm just waiting for a school to give me an option. I'm working out real hard and I know I can play Division I football."
Hursey confirmed he is all set if a school comes along.
"I've already graduated in January and my SAT is in."
Meanwhile, what stands out about the prospect?
"One good thing about me is that I'm a hard working guy," he stated. "I'm a tough corner, a natural defensive back and I think I've shown my speed.
"I'm not a laid back guy. I'm real high energy and a leader on the field."
The 5-foot-11, 188-pounder has performed at numerous camps including Florida and Virginia Tech.