football Edit

Tauanuus stock on fire

One of the most impressive players we have seen this season without doubt is defensive tackle Josh Tauanuu (6-4, 285, 4.85) from Long Beach (Calif.) Poly. Tauanuu impressed everyone at the combines and proving he wasn’t just a combine warrior, he is even better in games.
There was a rumor speculating that Tauanuu and his good friend and Poly teammate Junior Lemau’u (6-5, 240, 4.5) were Oregon bound. While Oregon is definitely in the running, the pair of Poly standouts is still uncommitted.
“I’ve pretty much narrowed down the list of schools to USC and Oregon,” Tauanuu said.
Tauanuu is having a huge year for Poly as he is third on the team in tackles in a tight race with Lemau’u and linebacker Mark Washington (6-3, 240, 4.5).
Tauanuu is a rare three year starter for Poly and he even played some offense his sophomore year. Poly rarely plays anyone both ways. For Tauanuu to log anytime on offense gives you an indication of this guy’s overall athletic ability.
Tauanuu has a great up field push and can’t be handled by one blocker. After he fights through a double team Tauanuu then has to contend with a fullback. It’s amazing that Tauanuu makes tackles at all and to think that he his third on the team in that statistic is remarkable.
Tauanuu has offers from USC, Oregon, Arizona, Arizona State, Washington and Washington State.
Tauanuu won’t take any visits until after football season.
What does Tauanuu like in his two favorites Oregon and USC?
Oregon assistant coach Don Pellum is doing a great job on Tauanuu. “I wasn’t interested in Oregon at all,” Tauanuu said. “Coach Pellum has a nice job recruiting me and getting me interested in Oregon.”
USC has Tauanuu’s family in the Trojan corner. “Everybody in my family loves USC,” Tauanuu said. “SC is close to home and have had a lot of great came out of USC.”
“I think I will make up my mind sometime after the championship.”
The scouting report on Tauanuu is he’s a warrior and plays the game with tremendous heart.
Looks like the Ducks or the Trojans are going to get a great player here.