football Edit

Star DE Has New Co-Leader

Big defensive end Tamba Hali went out to see the University of Southern California two weekends ago not really expecting much. However, he got a lot more than he bargained for.
“It was great,” said the 6-foot-4, 245-pounder who is ranked as one of the top five strongside defensive ends in the country. “I really liked the people, the players and the coaches. I felt really comfortable out there.”
So comfortable that Hali lists the Trojans among his leaders now. He also likes Syracuse and Penn State and includes Rutgers after an unofficial visit there this weekend.
“It was cool,” he said of his trip to Rutgers. “They’re not at the top of my list, but you can keep them on it.”
Hali also lists Tennessee, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina and Boston College, although the last three are on the outside.
“I’m not really sure of much,” he said, sounding a bit confused. “It’s hard to figure out who I like the best because I haven’t seen everyone and met all the players.”
Hali doesn’t have any other official visits set but knows he’ll take trips to Syracuse and Penn State.