NEW ORLEANS, La. – This past weekend, Rivals100 quarterback Grant Gunnell was thinking more about showing up his KB3 Elite teammates on the basketball court than he was his recruitment while in Louisiana to compete in the Pylon 7-on-7 regional tournament.
That hasn’t stopped coaches from around the country from thinking about him.
After his recent de-commitment from Texas A&M, Gunnell knew his inbox, voicemail, and any other means of communicating with him would be jam-packed with messages imploring him to consider this school or that now that he’s back on the open market.
“I just turned my phone off,” he said. “I didn’t even look at it because I knew it was going to blow up. When I turned it back on, it was all just filled with messages from coaches - just like 30 of them.”
Among the schools that have jumped right back into the picture are Ohio State, who perhaps somewhat coincidentally offered him on the same day he de-committed from A&M, as well as Arkansas, LSU, and Tennessee. Gunnell is motivated to make his next commitment by the start of his senior season, so it’s up to this new list of contenders to work quickly and convincingly to take the lead in his recruitment.