football Edit

PA corner waiting for more offers

Cornerback Tyler Ahrenhold out of Philadelphia (Pa.) Chestnut Hill Academy is looking for more offers. The 6-foot-0, 167-pounder has one scholarship, but is still talking to a lot of other schools.
"I've still got an offer from Arizona," he said. "I have been talking to Penn State, Connecticut, Villanova, Boston College, Northwestern and a few others. They all want me to send game film of my strongest game so they can evaluate me more."
With one offer from the Wildcats, has the Keystone State cornerback thought about a visit out West?
"They continue to email me and I talk to the recruiting coordinator," he said. "To be honest though, I have a problem getting out on visits during the season since most of my games are on Saturday. I'm trying to find the time to make visits, but it looks like they'll actually be sometime in the winter after the season."
Ahrenhold continues to play well for Chestnut Hill Academy.
"I think our team is getting stronger every week," he said. "I've been doing well and averaging around eight yards a carry on offense. I'm also playing safety and doing well out there. Earlier in the year, I won defensive player of the week.
"I can tell I've definitely improved. I think the weight I put on over the summer has really helped me running and on defense. I'm stronger through tackles and I'm hitting better."