football Edit

Neurer looking east

St. Paul (Minn.) Highland Park's Josh Neurer will be switching positions for his senior season.
The 6-foot-2 and 210-pound Neurer has played center the past two seasons. But he hopes his move to linebacker will help with the recruiting process.
"If all goes well with linebacker, I plan to play that position in college," Neurer said. "It fits my size."
Neurer is drawing interest from recruiters and is currently concentrating his search on schools in the East.
"I'm interested in Boston College, Dartmouth, Pennsylvania, Brown, those are the main ones right now," Neurer said. "And Columbia."
Neurer hopes to see a number of those schools in the next few months.
"I'm planning to visit probably Boston College and a couple of the Ivy League schools," he said. "I'm not sure when yet. I might go out to Boston College for one of their football games."
Neurer is ready to look at any or all of the schools he mentioned.
"I don't have any favorites because I haven't been to any of them yet," he said.