football Edit

Moeakis down to his final four

Wheaton (Ill.) South four-star ranked tight end prospect Anthony Moeaki (6-foot-4, 250 pounds) is spending this holiday season getting ready for the York Holiday basketball tournament (which begins today) as well as considering his final four school choices.
"We play in the York holiday tournament this week," Moeaki said. "So far we are 6-2 on the season, and I've played in our last three games. I'm looking forward to this week's tournament because we have about 5 highly ranked teams in the field."
Moeaki has narrowed his final college choices to four schools, and Moeaki claims that all four are still in the running for his services.
"I'm still trying to make my final college choice between Iowa, Oregon, BYU and Tennessee. All four schools are still under consideration and I haven't eliminated any of those schools. The coaches from all four schools have set in home visits the week after the quiet period is over with, and I'm looking forward to those visits from the coaches."
"The coaches from those schools are getting sort of anxious. It's not like they are pressuring me to make a choice yet, but I also get the feeling that they would like to know my final college choice pretty soon. I'm still sorting through everything to be honest, but I'm hoping to have a better idea after the in home visit from the coaches."
Moeaki has also enjoyed the quiet period during the holidays.
"The phone has definitely been quiet at home, and that's been a nice change of pace for all of us. I'm going to just play basketball this week and I'm going to watch some bowl games. I'm definitely looking forward to watching the bowl games on TV this week."
Moeaki is also hoping to make his final college choice known until the US Army All American Bowl game, if not longer.
"If I'm ready with my final college choice by the time the All American Bowl game comes around, I'll make my decision known then, but if I'm not certain of my final college choice I might wait until after the bowl game."