football Edit

MD corner takes a visit

Cornerback Kenard Harris out of Waldorf (Md.) Westlake holds one offer from the MAC. The 5-foot-8, 150-pounder took an unofficial visit to the school a couple weeks back.
"I visited Ohio and went to a game," he said. "It was a good school. They have a nice environment and everything seemed new.
"I talked to some of the coaches too. They talked to me about what I'd play if I go there. They are looking at me on defense."
Although he's now visited his offer, Harris isn't close to a decision.
"I want to see what else happens and go from there," he said. "I have no other visits planned right now."
The two-star prospect has helped his team to a 5-0 record.
"It's going great," he stated. "I've been doing alright. On offense I have about 300-yards, two touchdowns receiving and five rushing."