football Edit

MD corner is busy camping

Cornerback Austin Lewis received his first offer last month from Army. The Severna Park, Md. prospect is busy this summer going to camps, working to land more scholarships.
"He holds an offer from Army right now," his father Jim Lewis said. "He was recently at Virginia's camp and is going to Wake Forest towards the end of the month.
"He plans to head back to the Prepstar national combine and then may do another camp at Princeton. Iowa State, Stanford and Washington also want him to visit."
More interest is coming for the 5-foot-9, 160-pounder.
"Tennessee, Washington and Iowa State are in contact," he said. "I can tell you he really likes Notre Dame, but that's a tremendous reach.
"He's very interested in who is interested in him, Delaware, Iowa State, Virginia. Those are the ones contacting him almost every week."