football Edit

Logan-El tough to call

Forestville, Md. offensive lineman Antonio Logan-El has been one of the tougher players to read this year despite his soft commitment to Maryland. Logan-El has maintained that commitment to the Terps although he has visited numerous schools. When he announces his decision Wednesday at 4:50 PM EST on ESPNews, who will he choose?
This one appears to be a two-team battle between Maryland and Penn State unless there's something I'm missing. Florida made a nice run at Logan-El and he also liked his Tennessee trip, but proximity to home is key. Logan-El is very close with his family and doesn't want to stray too far.
Maryland was the first school to offer Logan-El and he committed to the Terps during his junior year when things were a bit rosier in College Park. Maryland was coming off just one losing season and not two and super recruiter James Franklin was still an assistant coach and in charge of Logan-El's recruitment. Franklin left for Green Bay of the NFL and is now at Kansas State as their offensive coordinator.
Penn State entered the picture early despite Logan-El's commitment and their 11-1 season and BCS bowl win has to be helping their situation. The 6-foot-4, 309-pounder loved State College when he visited, his family is in support of PSU and Larry Johnson is his recruiting coach. What Johnson wants out of Maryland he seems to get.
So who will it be? Like I said, this is one of the tougher ones. I think Penn State is clearly the flashier choice and offer more certainty when it comes to winning next year and beyond. Joe Paterno is a legend and Penn State certainly isn't far enough away for Logan-El to miss home that much.
Despite all those things going in Penn State's favor, something tells me that Maryland will be the choice for Logan-El. He's been at plenty of Maryland basketball games wearing Maryland gear, he has been rumored to have re-affirmed his commitment to Maryland, his commitment is being held in Baltimore at the ESPN Zone.
Do I have any inside knowledge on where Logan-El will end up? Nope. Would it surprise me if he chose Penn State? Not at all. This is simply a hunch and I could be way off. But we'll know for sure Tuesday night.
Forecast: Maryland
Confidence Level: Low