football Edit

Houston OL remains undecided

Houston (Texas) Jones offensive lineman Doug Smith, Jr. continues to wait for the phone calls.
“I didn’t get the call from Auburn like I thought I was going to get the other night,” the 6-foot-6, 325-pound Smith said. “My dad told me they were going to call me and offer me a scholarship. He used to play there and he told me they would be offering.”
Smith continues to have interest from Baylor.
“I talked to Baylor the other night,” he said. “I didn’t get the offer from Auburn and Baylor tells me the offer is still there for me. I haven’t accepted it yet, though.
“I will try and make a final choice on what I will do tonight (Tuesday). Signing day is tomorrow, so I need to get something finalized. Right now, I don’t know what I’ll do.”