football Edit

Henderson racking up heavy phone time

Memphis (Tenn.) Ridgeway defensive tackle Willie Henderson barely has time to hang the phone up before it rings again with another college coach on the line.
"It's crazy man," the 6-foot-7, 270-pound Henderson said. "I get off with one, and then another beeps in. Tonight it's been a little slow. I've only talked with Missouri tonight. Most have already called me by now."
Most schools have called like Tennessee, Florida, Memphis, Georgia, Ole Miss and countless others in the Southeast.
"I'm still leaning toward Tennessee," Henderson said. "That's what I tell the coaches, too. Florida says they're going to change all that, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
Henderson, who does not have any visits set up, is expected to be back in the line up this week after sitting out last week because of a bruised right shoulder.