football Edit

Hali ready for trip South

Tamba Hali, a Rivals100 national selection as a defensive lineman, is taking his last official visit this weekend.
"I'm heading off to Miami," Hali said. "The coaches told me that I needed to take the trip because I'm going to be blown away.
"They're telling me that I'm going to change my mind about everything once I se Miami."
Then after his visit, Hali said he plans to make a final decision between his four final schools - Maryland, Penn State, Syracuse and Miami.
Hali just got back last weekend from Penn State and it's a visit that still has left a lasting impression.
"It was great," Hali said. "It was really, really good. I was surprised because I've been there three times and I saw stuff that I haven't seen before.
"I saw the academic stuff and that was impressive. The people and the social life were also great."
Hali said at this point he’s no longer leaning one way or the other.