football Edit

Granger sets date for announcement

According to Dallas Kimball coach Darrell Jordan it looks like there has been a date and place set for the announcement of the nation's No. 1 defensive tackle, DeMarcus Granger.
"DeMarcus is going to announce live on Channel 4 here in Dallas on January 30," Jordan said.
"He wanted to do it in front of his friends and family here in Dallas, and they've been working out the details with him for quite some time."
The announcement is scheduled to run during the regular evening news cast, but Jordan said he wasn't sure if it's set for the 6 p.m. or the 10 p.m. broadcast.
Granger, a five-star prospect, is expected to pick between Oklahoma, Arizona State, Tennessee, LSU and Florida. The Vols are scheduled to get a visit this weekend from Granger, followed by a January 28 visit to Gainesville.
Granger has been unavailable for comment since the U.S. Army All-America Bowl since he does not have a home telephone.