football Edit

Dedrick Harrington Update

Dedrick Harrington (6'4 225) from Mexico (MO) plays wide receiver and safety. He also plays basketball and would like to give both sports a try in college. Harrington caught 18 passes and picked off two last season.
"I'm still working on my list," Harrington said when asked about his favorite colleges. "I'm looking at Notre Dame, Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona State, Arizona, Stanford, Illinois, Purdue, Oklahoma, Missouri, UCLA, I'm looking at a lot of schools. Those are some of the big ones. I want to do both football and basketball in college. Missouri offered in writing. Michigan offered verbally. Notre Dame sent a document saying how much a full scholarship is worth. Notre Dame was always my favorite football school. I'll probably take an official visit to South Bend. I've been to Purdue. They offered. Illinois offered too."