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Decision date for R250 RB Love

The high school career of Rivals250 running back Bryce Love ended on Saturday night in the hard fought Class 4AA state finals. The Wake Forest (N.C.) star is now turning his attention to finalizing his recruitment.
Love recently scheduled his second and third official visits.
"I have Stanford in January on the 16th and Tennessee on the 23rd," said the 5-foot-9, 176-pound Love. "I talk to Stanford a lot, pretty much on a day-to-day basis. I have a lot of communication from them."
An interesting situation is developing at Tennessee that could make Knoxville more appealing for Love.
"I talk to coach Jones, coach G and coach Thigpen a few times a week," he said. "What's happening with Derrell Scott doesn't really have an affect of me. Everybody is an individual and they make decisions for themselves. There would still be an opportunity to play there either way."
Love's preparation for the playoffs limited the number of in-home visits he could have over the past couple weeks.
"I had Stanford and Tennessee come to my house so far," he said. "I tried to get North Carolina, N.C. State and Virginia Tech in there but I had team stuff."
From the looks of things, Love could have a tentative decision date.
"I'm still trying to make my decision in January," Love said. "Hopefully January 30 because that's what the principal said. I'm hoping for some time around then or the beginning of February."
Love finished his senior year with more than 2,300 yards rushing and almost 40 total touchdowns.