football Edit

Dallas DB having success since choice

In junior high school, current Dallas (Texas) Woodrow Wilson cornerback/wide receiver Greg McCoy wasn't thinking about playing football. When he came to his new high school at Wilson, that all changed when he met a few players who thought maybe he should join the team.
McCoy turned that into success. The 5-foot-10, 165-pounder started on the varsity team as a sophomore and excelled at on both sides of the ball. As a kick and punt returner, the talented young man was quite the featured star. Now, mail has flooded in from colleges and McCoy looks back on his decision as a good one.
"It moved pretty fast, but I don't know, I got used to it," McCoy said about his first season. "Pretty soon I was named to the all-district team. Last season I was all-district on wide receiver and second-team all-district for cornerback."
Though many players like the ball in their hands, McCoy is quite different. He says that he's all about shutting down quality wide receivers.
"I just love defense," McCoy said. "It's just fun. It's all about speed and quick thinking. With me, I've gotten so into the position that I don't have to think as much but just react. Someone is always trying to get the best of you, but you know that they can't."
Colleges like his ability at all different spots. Mail has come in rapidly from countless amounts of programs.
"Baylor, Arkansas, Michigan, LSU, Indiana, Georgia Tech, Kansas State, Mississippi State, UTEP, and a lot of others," McCoy said. "I'm still waiting to hear from my favorites like USC, Miami, and Texas."
"Miami knows how to play defense and I see myself playing like them. USC is a team that has a great coaching staff and you can tell that the players like the coach."
No offers have come yet, but McCoy isn't just going to rely on his season statistics and reputation to get those to come his way. He'll be making the rounds this summer.
"I'm going to get out to Boston College and Florida," he said. "To be honest, I'm going to get out to these places before these offers come to me. If I'm going to get offered, I'm going to show them that I deserve it."
"This is college man. I'm going to work for it and take what I can get."