Published Apr 22, 2020
Could Joshua Robinson still make a decision this summer?
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Chad Simmons  â€¢
Recruiting Analyst

Late in March, Douglasville (Ga.) Douglas County defensive end Joshua Robinson named a top 10.

Filling up that list was Arizona State, Duke, Florida, Georgia Tech, Miami, Michigan, Notre Dame, Stanford, Tennessee and Vanderbilt.

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Before visits were banned due to the Coronavirus in mid March, Robinson planned to cut his list in half, focus on five schools and have a decision during the summer.

Could that still happen?

"Things have kind of slowed down for me now," said Robinson. "I was going to take some visits this spring, see some different places, then get it down to five schools. I am not sure if I will be able to do that now.

"I am going to wait until June, see what happens then, and if we can start visiting schools again, then I still could commit before the start of the season.

"I am just waiting to see what happens now."

During the time at home, outside of handling his schoolwork online, Robinson has been in contact with a lot of coaches.

The schools that made his top 10 have all done a strong job communicating with Robinson, but there is a quartet of schools that have showed the most interest.

"I have been talking most to Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt, Stanford and Notre Dame," said Robinson. "I have visited all those schools except Notre Dame, so I have good relationships with those coaches."

Stanford hosted him on a visit during the season last fall and things went very well.

"Distance is not a concern for me, and I had a great time when I was there for the California game. I love the campus, it is a great location and their education is one of the best. I like the coaches too and I am definitely open to going out west."

Georgia Tech and Vanderbilt are closer to home, and he has visited Atlanta and Nashville multiple times.

"I am pretty familiar with both Georgia Tech and Vanderbilt. I have visited Georgia Tech four or five times because it is close to home, and that makes it easy. It is a cool vibe there, I like the coaches and the my father went there, so that is nice too.

"I love the education Vanderbilt offers. I like Nashville too. The campus is cool, I like the atmosphere and they have shown me the opportunity to play there."

South Bend is a place Robinson would like to visit. The Irish continue to hold his attention.

"I was hoping to visit Notre Dame this spring, but with all the changes, I didn't have the chance," said Robinson. "The academics there are well known, they have great history and I just want to get up there to see what it is like."

Other schools, like Arizona State and Miami have discussed potential visits to their campus with Robinson.

He had an official visit to Georgia Tech lined up for June 19, but that is on hold for now.

Robinson is not ready to reveal if there is a top school, but there is a group of "three schools" he admitted that were somewhat battling for that top spot in his mind. He knows he still has a little ways to go in his recruitment before he is ready to name a true No. 1.

"I am not 100% sure of a timeline for my decision now with all of the changes, but it could happen late in the summer or maybe late in the season," said Robinson. "I am graduating early, so I know it will happen by December.

"I just need to get back out, take some visits and see where I want to be next year."

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