football Edit

Could Hawkeyes lose Texas DE

Arlington (Texas) Bowie defensive end Kenny Iwebema is committed to Iowa, but he is taking a look around.
"Kenny just keeps getting calls," Kenneth Iwebema, Sr., said. "Several schools have kept calling. Not pestering or anything. Just calling and checking in."
Two such schools, Kansas State and Michigan State, have put themselves in position to get a visit from the 6-foot-4, 223-pounder.
"He is going to visit Kansas State this weekend (Jan. 17)," the elder Iwebema said. "Then he'll go to Michigan State next weekend."
So is there a chance the No. 37 rated weakside defensive end could change his commitment?
"Kenny is just looking around to cover his bases. The coach at Iowa is being talked to by the Jacksonville Jaguars about becoming their head coach. That type of thing makes you wonder if you've got the right place. If he doesn't go this year, which it doesn't look like he will, what about next year? Or the next? You just want to be sure you're at a place that you know will work."
Coaches leaving schools after recruiting players to one school is a subject the Iwebema family is fully aware of.
"Down here in Texas we hear all the time how Coach Franchione at Texas A&M left players at Alabama after telling them he wasn't going anywhere. That is not something that we want to have happen. The new coach could be just fine, but it isn't the one that you chose to play for."