football Edit

Coaches visiting Texas WR

San Antonio (Texas) Taft wide receiver Otis McDaniel has been going on a full schedule the last few days.
“He’s been exhausted,” McDaniel’s mother said. “We’ve had coaches coming by this week in the evenings. There has been someone here each night. Keeping up with school, the coaches and his homework has been putting him to bed early lately.”
The 6-foot-1, 175-pound McDaniel has hosted coaches from Wisconsin, Purdue and TCU.
“The coaches have been very good,” she said. “We have learned quite a bit from them about their schools and their programs.”
McDaniel has his first official visit this weekend with a trip to Purdue. His other two visits are scheduled for the next two weekends, a December 12 trip to Wisconsin and a December 19 visit to Texas Tech.