football Edit

Chew visits Syracuse

Clifton (Va.) Centreville wide receiver Van Chew made the trip up to New York for an official visit this weekend. The 6-foot-0, 150-pounder visited Syracuse and witnessed the exciting overtime game between the Orange and Hawkeyes.
"The visit went really well," he said. "I was able to hang out with my cousins, Derek and Daniel Bailey. They both hosted me on the trip and showed me around and told me a lot about the school.
"I also toured the campus, saw the hall of fame and the academic stuff. Before the game kicked off, I was able to go on the field and then afterwards I had dinner with coach White and was able to talk with the coaches some more. I even talked to coach Robinson for a bit in his office. He discussed their need for receivers that can make plays and then said I fit that particular player. It was nice to hear."
Certainly the Orange showed a lot of ability challenging the talented Hawkeyes.
"Even though they lost, I think Syracuse is good and getting better," he stated. "They had Iowa against the ropes and some plays just didn't work out. Overall I think they'll win a bunch of games this year.
"I especially watched the wide receivers in the game. Some of them made plays, but others didn't. I did like what they do down there. I'm used to running a lot of the same routes they do at Syracuse and I think I'd be very familiar with the offense if I picked there."
Overall Chew enjoyed the visit north.
"I had a lot of fun on the visit and I think I had a good feeling there," he said. "Every time I go up I feel more and more comfortable. Now I'm just trying to pick which college I'll go to.
"I do want to go on an unofficial to Virginia in the next couple weeks to see a game. They haven't offered, but are very interested in me. I do like Virginia because they aren't that far away from home and the campus is nice."
The two-star prospect expects to make a decision on where he'll be playing college ball sometime by the end of September.
Meanwhile, Chew and Centreville are doing well on the season.
"Our team is playing really good and I've made the move to quarterback," he said. "I've thrown four touchdowns and ran for one. I probably have over 300 yards passing. I think our team is going to go very far this year."