football Edit

Birthday decision coming this week for Georgia CB

Telly Plummer turns 17 years old Friday July 28th and this birthday will be one he remembers for a long time.

The 6-foot, 185 pound cornerback out of Fairburn (Ga.) Langston Hughes will commit Friday and it will be Louisville or Notre Dame.

Over two dozen schools have offered Plummer, but he is down to those two.

"Both schools are coming at me hard and I am still working on who it will be," said Plummer. "Friday is my birthday, so it is a special day for me and my family, so I have always thoughts it would be great to commit on that day if I was ready.

"I know I am close. My parents and my coaches have been there to help me with all of this, so I am going to talk with them some more this week, then pick Louisville or Notre Dame that day."


Plummer is excited about the upcoming decision, but at the same time a little nervous. He knows the decision will not be easy.

"Both schools are recruiting me hard and I knew after having all of these offers that it was going to be hard to get down to one.

"I talk to coach Brian Kelly and coach [Todd] Lyght (defensive backs) from Notre Dame a lot and the same goes for coach [Lorenzo] Ward (defensive backs), so I have strong relationships with both. It is going to be a tough decision.

"Having my parents helps out a lot. I am a lot more comfortable making this decision because they are here to help me."

Louisville just had Plummer on campus this weekend. It was his first time there and he liked what he saw.

"I got on campus and I saw the stadium, I saw the facilities and I spent some time with the coaches," said Plummer. "They have a lot of construction going on, but it was still great because they will have a lot of new upgrades next year.

"The campus life looked to be nice, the dorms were nice too, so I liked it up there."

He has not had the chance to visit South Bend (Ind.) yet, but that does not hurt the Irish's chances. The work that the coaches have put it says a lot to Plummer.

"I know a lot about Notre Dame, what their history is and they have always stood out to me. Hearing from coach Kelly, knowing coach Lyght went to Notre Dame and that he played in the NFL stands out to me.

"They are known for academics, they have a lot of tradition, so it is a school I like a lot. Coach Kelly personally tells me he wants me, so hearing that from a head coach means a lot too."

It all comes down to a few final discussions with those close to Plummer. If his birthday was early in the week, he would not be able to make the call.

"I am torn right now," said Plummer. "I know I am not ready yet, but I will be by the end of the week. I am close. I know it will be tough to pick one of these schools because I like both of them a lot, but I want to get this done before I start school next week.

"My parents will help me a lot this week. I will be ready."
